All India State Bank Officers’ Federation (AISBOF)

The All India State Bank Officers’ Federation represents over 80,000 Officers of State Bank of India and its six Associates namely State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Indore, State Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Patiala and State Bank of Travancore. Membership of the Federation extends to Officers belonging to Junior, Middle level as also Senior Grades performing functions of over 18,000 Branches/Offices of the State Bank Group throughout the Country.

The Federation was founded in the year 1965 (30th August 1965). It has 15 affiliates consisting of 14 Circle Associations and ABOA representing 6 Associate Banks with a total membership of over 80,000. Its Central Office is presently located at Bangalore. It has its office at 10th floor, Corporate Centre, Mumbai, as well.

The Federation is an apolitical and independent trade union. It is led by serving bank officers only. It is affiliated to All India Bank Officers’ Confederation, which is also an independent Trade Union led by serving officers.

The Federation is the sole bargaining agent for officers and recognized by the Management. The Federation is a partner in bipartite and tripartite forums established in the bank for negotiations, consultations, customer service, community service banking, welfare schemes etc. It firmly believes in finding solutions to all problems through bilateral negotiations with the Management.

The Federation is committed to the objectives for which the banks were nationalized. It actively participates in, and supports all schemes and measures initiated by the Government for ameliorating the poorer sections of the society and priority sectors of the economy.

The Central Office of the Federation at Bangalore is provided with all infrastructure which are necessary for maintaining efficient communication systems between the affiliates, membership, and the management in a most effective manner. Apart from sending out circulars through E-mail and other communications to grass-root level membership, providing them with day to day information on the activities of the organi¬sation, the Federation has been publishing from 1981 a monthly magazine known as “Officers’ Cause” from its Head Quarters. The journal is released on the 15th of every month regularly. The journal has completed 28 years of its publication and is a source of informa¬tion to the grass-root level members spread out throughout the country. Copies of the journal reach all the 12,000 and odd branch¬es of SBI throughout the country keeping the members informed about the activities of the Federation. Apart from the publica¬tion of Officers’ Cause, the Federation has also been instrumen¬tal in bringing out “Common Bond” another monthly journal, the ownership of which was later on transferred to AIBOC.

In order to equip our Office-Bearers and activists with skills in defending their colleagues, facing disciplinary proceedings, the Federation has launched a quarterly journal “Domestic Enquiry”, during the year 1997. The publication has been well received. Yet another quarterly journal 'Social Concern' has been launched in 1999 to cover the social Welfare Activities of our Affiliates. "Labour Research" a Bi-monthly launched in 2005 has also been well received by all.

With a view to provide further fillip to the movement, the Feder-ation set up an academy during 1991 in the name of ‘National Academy of Trade Union Research and Education (N.A.T.U.R.E). Periodical Training Programmes are conducted by the Academy to groom activ¬ists of our affiliates as potential leaders. A documentary film on “Model Enquiry” received all-round appreciation from management and members, which contains entire gamut of departmental enquiry. For the purpose of “Cadre Development Programmes”, the federation has brought out a booklet on “Union is Strength” containing a brief history of trade union movement and achievements will serve as a guide to both trainers and participants of Cadre Development Programmes. Apart from the above periodicals, books on “An Aide to Defence Representatives”, "Superannuation Benefits", "Retired Employee’s Medical Benefits Scheme", "Glimpses of 1969 Indefinite strike" etc., are other publications from the Federation.

The communication system of the Federation is known for its speed and reach. Through electronic media-the communication reaches on line. With a view to facilitate the members all over the country to get detailed information about the federation, a Web-Site has been set-up. The members may reach website at Similarly the federation has an exclusive Email for the benefit of our members. The e-mail address is

The aim of the Federation is to achieve; through constructive co-operation with the Management and the Government, maximum efficiency in banking operations, balanced spread of banking to different regions, high quality customer service, development of human resources, modernisation of systems and procedures, preven¬tion of wasteful expenditure and frauds and to promote stable and harmonious industrial relations.

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